Friday 6/6/08It's been 5 months since Ralph's last visit with Sujata, so it is great that they both have been reunited. It was a lazy afternoon for them both. They sat down in front of the television and watched the Bee Movie with Sujata's brother James and sister Birkita.
Saturday 7/6/08Ralph and Sujata went to Noel Leemings to pick up some items for the family. They both enjoyed the ride and looking around Noel Leemings. Ralph played with Sujata, James and Birkita. They all enjoyed playing with each other. The day was a cold one so most of the time was spent playing inside.
Sunday 8/7/08Snowed overnight - little dusting of snow covering the ground but it didn't last long. A very cold and windy day - Ralph and Sujata stayed inside - the sun tried to shine. A very cold three days but that didn't stop Ralph from enjoying his weekend with the family. On Sunday evening Ralph packed his bag for the trip back to school on Monday morning.
Monday 9/7/08Monday morning 8.40am. Ralph and Sujata leave the house for school. Both Sujata and Ralph have had a great time.
Enjoy your travels Ralph!
Tuesday 10/6/08Surprise, surprise, a flying visit from Ralph. Spent the evening acting the clown with Sujata's brother and sister. Guess Ralph just couldn't stay away. Ralph also watched some television and had a play with the playstation. Ralph also got to read a book. It was another cold evening and after tea Ralph called it a night.